Did we really just “give up”? JFC America

Ugh, the world. I was really hoping we’d be able to get our shit together and unite in purpose and not just give and let this virus win. The sheer damage it is going to do to people’s future health when we are already staring in the face of some brutal climate change issues coming up is absolutely absurd. I had better expectations, certainly more hope than just letting this virus get to everyone to challenge their health in the ways it is likely to do. How does anyone know about these larger issues? The SARS virus, COVID original caused many of those issues I had reported originally on my other blog in the Spring of 2020-I just wish I wasn’t so stupid with website programming. I might have been able to do more to help everyone, but yes, it appears that COVID is affecting systems beyond the lungs, though that is probably its biggest transmission point. I do wonder, though, for the people who present, say through their eyes, if that was their infection point, or the people who presented through other systems might have been fast-routed there via other means. I still think the mouth breathers are the ones doing most damage, which is why I find it ABSOLUTELY absurd for us to think it would be a great idea to abandon masks until next year the earliest–when we should maybe check-in a bit and put in that longer work for the better reward.

The likelihood of that happening is low to maybe never gonna happen with the current psychological and sociological makeup of what Americans have been trained to endure. And really, we know that people call fucking 911 when Facebook goes out so why would we think we would know how to cooperate together to get out of this faster and with less death and handicap around us? Why would we think we had it together enough to avoid the certain disaster coming to many who got sick? And certainly the ones who had no training to fight this are going to do 100% worse than those who chose to get full protection and training to win.

This is the song I listened to a few times writing this.

Remember, the vaccine was just training your body to fight and identify this virus. I hear “I have an immune system,” fine and great, but ultimately your immune system, unless you’ve recovered from SARS maybe, does not have these tools to fight it inherently. That is why so many people are dying from it. They do not have the training, or the have the genetic component maybe, something here, as these guys disclosed. I know my own genetic issue, I have not read fully into it, I will admit, but it’s something. Now there is a tiny fraction of people who are reporting an immunity to it–those people have some genetic superiority to that but might suffer from other ailments which make them weaker to other things. Nature doesn’t usually just happen to spread all the illness to just one group–there’s a sprinkle of cancer here, heart disease here, susceptibility to diabetes here, strokes here, dementia here, mental illness here.

Once again we will revisit my insistence they owe us healthcare for all for this mess they’ve put us in. You all better hope we turn towards a more people centric vs business centric focus in society–yeah that’s society and a little closer to that wretched socialism you see republicans lose their mind over. The irony of course is THEY want to hold all the cash–they don’t want that cash out there making other people able to you know, not worry and have their extras. They don’t want to see people beneath them not starve and have a home to live in and maybe some extras going back to the community and to provide childcare help in a society that seems all in to punish women who want abortions by forcing them to have babies they maybe don’t want to have. Irony of course is 50% of the homeless population is from a foster home and 20% of kids age out into homelessness. If we were actually good people, that would not be what happens in this country. We need social programs to help these kids. We need social programs to help parents, educators, you know, invest in the actual PEOPLE part of society. Instead everyone elected a bunch of multimillionaires which is an absurdity I will never understand. You want to elect people who represent YOUR interests. I get the business people voting for the business person who is obscenely rich and bought his seat, but WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU???? MEET THE 25 WEALTHIEST MEMBERS OF CONGRESS

We need social programs to help all these nurses, some we have traumatized to literal death. I am seriously crying writing this you fucking selfish selfish people–there will be heaps of regret coming from you when you are so sick later that these are the people who you fucking trashed into leave the profession and the class that came into COVID with you spitting, kicking and assaulting them remembers who you guys were to them when you were your sickest. Ugh, the atrocity that is likely to befall us is all our own doing. It truly pisses me off, because nurses have always been the best, the comfort, the assurance and friend you need in your worst moment, and you are ruining it for them and the people that won’t experience truly compassionate care. I’ve had 12 hospitalizations and TRUST ME, you want a nurse who still gives a shit. Ugh, I am so fucking mad about this. Thank god this is my own site I get to say whatever I want but I wish you guys didn’t do this.

I find it mildly absurd everyone is going to go all pro military capitalist instead of realizing your interests have literally been sold out to make money off COVID therapies because certainly there’s a hell of a lot more money to be made touting treatments and medicines you might need for life vs a measly what, $30 shot? They have literally sold you out to make money, and nobody is questioning them, or how that is even fucking ethical? Had they even one ball among them, they would have said,

you know what guys, cut the shit, we need to save you, your health, your kid’s health, the nation’s future fiscal health, your bank account, your life–we have to band together to solve this. We are not going to play partisan politics with people’s lives, health and future and current well-being. We are hear to lead you, and maybe it’s hard to hear, and maybe it’s going to suck for a little while, but we will be so much better for our united response vs our piece mail state’s rights bullshit. That is the absurdity–we have open borders between states, but we are treating each state like it’s own country and every country can infect all the countries around it and have such vastly different responses to the fucking EMERGENCY we are in that the future papers and documentaries will talk about our failures, but we should have had number one, a federal office collecting case counts and positives and a way to self-identify for future help later for treatments and investments these guys better be making in us. That would have been BASIC strategy to see exactly what was working vs what wasn’t.

But since everyone wants to play hide the COVID numbers and pretend there are not thousands upon thousands of American families every day visited by their fucking WEAK NO LEADERSHIP stance, here we sit in the ashes of the republican failure to lead people against their own worst inclinations. They decided, you know what, our side seems to be yelling about masks and freedom the loudest (when we really could have let the fringe on both freak out & everyone else act reasonable). Then they took that outrage and literally monetized it telling you they would fight the mask mandates and evil democrats who don’t want to see your kids sick and took money from you. They are literally fighting to not tell you they know what’s coming, exploiting your weakness for nostalgia, you know those days when we could literally sweat and dance our asses off then get on a subway lurched over someone’s head and nobody cared.

We hate change, we sometimes clearly fight against it, even to our literal death and detriment, but I still think all of the time, what a missed opportunity–we left these poor kids a world about to be on literal fire and we couldn’t be the example to them of what good cooperation might bring. That’s a less brutal and certainly more cooperative stance for the collective good vs giving the solution for them to someone like BEZOS and watch him cryofreeze himself so he can haunt the next generations, too. When you put the public good into the hands of business, you screw the public in favor of business, and that clearly hasn’t done anyone any favors at all, except, you know, business.

While those sweaty days are gone for a long while, it’s not to say we won’t get hot and in each other’s faces again, but if you listen to this guy WILLIAM SARDO SPANISH FLU, it took years for people to come out again and then we had war and then we had a wholesome hands off attitude for another few decades when everyone freaked out and started getting freaky and together with each other more often. At this rate that means just a few more decades, so the babies born this decade & their children will be fine-everyone else will be a freak with a long memory of sickness and death and might be scared to death of other people coughing. It’s going to be tough to un-wrench the collective mind out of it. We’d probably have to get invaded by aliens to give a shit about humanity deeply enough to see it again until then. And why would that happen, we are absolute assholes.