Ugh. I haven’t written in a few days but I have a slew of articles to give you here-I, too, am sick and tired of this virus and how people’s inability to evolve and adapt has affected the whole of society. I think for some people there is something in them that does prevent them from wanting to see the bad going on around them to pretend like everything is wonderful–but the vast majority can see something is utterly wrong–and how woefully selfish we have all become in the process. I have no idea how needing to adapt to survive as a survival skill seems to have escaped much of the public-how on earth everyone avoided that lesson in their lives is a luxury I never was to be afforded and find it hard to see how people could reason away their very existence and their health in their refusal to see that humans ability to evolve and adapt is how we made it this long in our shared evolution. Clearly the people refusing to adapt are sometimes reasoning their very existence away, millions of children probably unborn, not to mention questions to any remaining virility in those who got it and survived. Especially when you consider that sperm levels are predicted to be down to 0 by 2045. Not kidding. Check this out: Sperm Counts down to 0 as soon as 2045 Now I won’t be alive then, no chance at all, but ouch for the world. By then you’ll have people donating to a country bank of sperm & eggs combined to make the future generations as by then our money will have overtaken all community concern and they’ll be able to gestate a baby in a bottle. You’ll see.
Okay. So yeah, I am exhausted pivoting from pleas from nurses about COVID being a mass disabling event TWEET HERE to editorials saying we should just give up and live with it, not able to see three inches beyond the comfort everyone wants to feel pretending we don’t have hundreds of thousands of people STILL getting infected everyday and are still losing THOUSANDS every day. Remember how upset everyone was about 9/11? Yeah, me too. I was there. Every day we let that happen, but I still think we’ll have just under 3 million gone from it by the time it’s done with us. Even if you take the total numbers from WOLDOMETERS and account for the fact the mortality level has never dipped below 2% (for a while it was 8%, btw)-and take 2% of the total, then subtract those who already died of those numbers–we still are going to lose 1,549,937 of which 924,530 have died leaving 625,407 as of today and with at least 2000 every day, increasing by 40 every day (2% of 2000). Point is, COVID is not done with us, and the very fact we still have hundreds of thousands of positives every day and some states losing hundreds of residents daily still means we have not done enough. We have become an apathetic and cruel culture, numb to what is clearly going on, unable to switch our mindsets for our own survival, and so instant gratification that many don’t remember, or really don’t have to, how to put in the long work for the longer reward. We’d rather never practice an inch of prevention to have to avoid having to accept whatever resulting reaction would be a result of our own actions. See, I’m a poet.
So here are the articles. Some broke my brain. Some are still confirming why I continue to try and warn people not to give up their health–and JFC if you have not been boosted yet, HOP to it. We have been exposed multiple times and not a thing though I wear sunglasses and double mask in public if I am not wearing my 6 layer favorite. I’m cool with adapting because my own medical problems required I do that without bitching too much.
2/4/2022 OVER 200k COVID orphans I don’t think I need to say a thing about this.
2/4/2022 NPR article Americans get sicker as omicron stalls everything from heart surgeries to cancer care So this is why a preventable condition like COVID should not be given priority over illnesses already diagnosed in people. The people killed by COVID also do include those who took beds from other people. By the time you find this I might be dead of just that circumstance.
2/4/2022 Deaths surging in low vaccination states with map Obviously a betting person would see these odds and act accordingly, but this might be why America is full of so many failed gamblers.
2/4/2022 The Case for Masks Became Hugely Stronger Now this I still don’t understand how there was just so much pushback on. I knew the issue was scarcity, not effectiveness. Now in the pre-times I was advocating for a certain 6 layer I discovered as the original masks, pictured below were a bit frightening and the exhaust holes hospitals did not like, but they were the first I wore before I found the 6 layer, ironically the only one my husband wears for full 8 hour days though we have the N94’s for quick trips out. I know people kept talking about it protecting other people and not just you but I continued to argue that exhausting out had the same effect as breathing in, it was getting filtered so any person with a fucking brain would realize it was not a one way vent with only out holes.
2/4/2022 Why some people with Covid lose their sense of smell
2/4/2022 Academic & emotional concerns outweigh COVID 19 risks in parents’ views about schools staying open I still think sentencing your children to health issues or risking that at all is going to be more emotionally damaging than TEACHING THEM about small sacrifices they are sure to have to make in this world that will be on fire here soon. A mask is nothing and it seems that parents might want to pivot to highlight the benefits while also not ignoring that these kids will need different care in the future.
2/5/2022 Long COVID patients are waiting months for care, and experts warn it could get worse. What do you mean? 30% of at least 78 million is a lot of money to be made in private clinic solutions. People will be working their butts off for that and I swear if I am still alive I will show you who owns those companies as I guarantee you it will be republicans who sold you out and their families for the next few decades. The other thing to think of here is nurses are PISSED and rightly so. Some are never going to come back and those that stay will have been well conditioned to death and not investing themselves too much which will suck as patients, trust me.
2/5/2022 When COVID symptoms start from exposure The answer, shhh, is about 2 days now. Clearly adding in the viral shedding period and that, no chance is 5 days enough and people are idiots. They owe everyone healthcare for all for doing this.
2/5/2022 11 Year old needs feeding tube, can’t walk year after COVID nothing about this story says she was obese or diseased and again, as a parent why would you risk this?
2/5/2022 New test to determine if COVID symptoms will be severe So of course there is a genetic weakness-this might help with LT disability claims. You’ll see the numbers increase largely of those who self-reported COVID after federally-sponsored treatments are made available and federally funded.
2/5/2022 Alzheimer’s-like changes found in COVID patients brains. Yes, this again. I know I’ve talked about it before, but absolutely scary. This IS a mass disabling event and we will have to open those borders wide to people who want to come here to work to pay into our social security. The sooner people realize that, the better we can focus on other things.