Two Two Twenty Twenty-Two: COVID Broke America

I think it’s definitely come to my attention lately that we are broken in a myriad of ways, and I have some ideas on how to help, but right now we’re in the midst of an evolution you hope we come out better for-certainly how we end up IS in our control, but we just have to decide if we are going to let 30% ruin the mostly reasonable 70%, or step up and make some demands for once. We keep letting people vote against our best interests, vote their own pay raises in and actually get money thrown at them to vote against what they ran on. We need a lot more control over that. But again, let’s return to my assertion that our leadership is comprised of a bunch of babies who don’t know how to lead and instead have decided to just follow the screamers. When you vote someone in, you vote for them to be your voice, sure but when information is presented that is credible that is counter to how you feel or what you are comfortable with in reality, you expect them to be able to talk to you and lead you to better choices for yourself and your family. If something dangerous were here destroying families left and right, wouldn’t your conscience REQUIRE you to tell people the best ways for them to avoid doing that? I find it utterly unconscionable that one party is so hell-bent on power they decided to take the easy way out vs being fucking honest. You’d expect the head of any family or organization to do the same, but instead we’ve decided to not do the hard work of reflection, we’ve abandoned our own capabilities as a united America and decided just being anti the other was a great plan. After all that- Are you really going to go ALL IN with a party who clearly does not have the balls to be honest with you about the following facts:

A COVID infection is a pre-existing medical condition.
Pre-existing medical conditions downgrade your worth financially and societally.
Conditions like COVID are showing to be a problem CURRENTLY for 25% of the infected at least

(Time Article on 25%)
A long Covid infection might require you obtain unbreaking healthcare to get treatment or medicine for any symptoms you might experience. If you happen to live in a state like TEXAS or FLORIDA, understand those scoundrels you call Governors have decided to not lead and instead make money off your pessimism, which is a sad sad testament to a lack of values. They also refused to expand Medicaid, as another slap in the face you didn’t need.

Again I’ll mention the karmic bitchslap God or whatever universal thanks you want to give gave to those who suggested that some people had earned their deaths because of illness or obesity. Now they are the people we get to reason are expendable with the next issue we might encounter-and with climate change, that’s almost a guarantee. Well, Pam got Covid in the 20’s of course she wasn’t going to live forever.

I think we all can see how that works-now I am trying to make myself not pull the phone up to read too early but I often am asleep at 9 which would mean a 3-5 am wakeup with what I usually get. Today I failed so will show you the source articles, which I will compile on the last Sunday of the month in completion with those nice summaries I had before.

COVID has killed more Americans in the past 2 weeks than the flu in the past 3 seasons. I don’t know that you need commentary here.

POST-COVID infection: What happens after you get the virus
Getting serious about indoor air cleaning & quality. I cannot stress this enough–our world is dirty and the air is disgusting in many places-I will show you my filter to attest to that here soon. I’d advocate for specific companies but all you have to do is google air filtration and change all filters in your vents to MERV-13.

Omicron’s Incubation Period vs other versions I’m too poor for full summaries-I don’t have full subscriptions to a lot of these so I often try to find alternate articles, but even for people studying this later–you know, when everyone claims we didn’t have the data, we didn’t know about the problems we can tell them to shove it straight up their asses.