Lately I’ve been seeing posts about people wanting to have politicians consider policy about protecting people with pre-existing conditions like COVID and of course suddenly my paranoias, as people have claimed, have proven to not be paranoid but predictive. I think if you see the public and how it’s been acting, and also understand there has been science about viruses like this predicting terrible things for those infected later. I am not some magical fucking human being who made this up to scare people–I just read so much and look around enough to question he right shit–and of course being the lemon, the person in society who already has a pre-existing condition and hasn’t had good health in decades really for but short slurps of time I have some warnings for people who would willingly give it up, for what really–to prove to themselves they are free in society to bankrupt community resources by using them for something they could have prevented. Maybe resulting in some catastrophic health outcomes leaving small children orphaned–because a bunch of not scientists decided that their expertise was science and decided to be reckless vs careful sometimes at the expense of their or their kids’ health. You ask these same people questions on the fields they have expertise in the same way and they’d argue they were the expert, but you know, to think that way requires self awareness.
People are trying to prove a point to a population of people who are likely to experience better health than them and won’t have to feel any more compassion for them because they chose that. The absurdity that people aren’t thinking anything beyond base level I’m owed feel-good-now planning just shows me I am right about our instant gratification culture ruining people. See, for someone like me, everything has been a struggle, nothing has been easy and I know you sometimes have to wait a long time for relief-I have never been someone who ran on other people’s approval–I seek my own. But because I have read a billion books, I know how to empathize and think about other people aside from myself. Because I’ve lived in and around big cities, I know how valuable that is-to consider the viability and health of your neighbor has every effect on the people around you and with the environments you are forced to endure. To not use every resource to stop a transmissible illness transmit and infect countless hosts to create new and worsening variants is the ultimate abandonment of all community responsibility-I’ll relent there’s some that cannot–but I am talking the verbal minority extending the suffering to the community around them and sometimes sentencing their children to worse health because they refused to use the current science available to protect them. The vaccine-protected and masked will be in a better position to protect the brains and freedom of their kids’ futures. You wanna talk about freedom? How about freeing your kids from the burden of having to have healthcare for life in a country that doesn’t guarantee it at all. That is actually cruel–giving a fuck about your neighbor is not.
I’ve been almost despondent trying to explain this to people, because I swear to you it will be beyond infuriating to see titles like that later, lamenting our lack of cooperation, refusal to suffer for the community good for one moment longer than LEGALLY required (these same people want less government, clearly humanity doesn’t have the ability to cooperate for its own good without government), and claiming all the people who are experiencing Alzheimer’s in 10 years we had NO ABILITY to predict. Sure, we didn’t know at all. The stupidity of this going on when we have so much to mitigate in terms of climate change is nerve-wracking at best-the other thing of course is we have a giant population of people who got infected, double to triple the numbers reported, and of those 20-30%-I’ve seen it as high as 40% are going to suffer from horrid future health in terms of long Covid or other illness like kidney failure, diabetes, heart damage, early onset dementia, RA, eye problems–remember, this is an endothelial disease (article here)-and all of these manifestations are due to that being true–the problem is this is not the kind of thing that’s easy to reverse–trust me I’ve looked–I’m the girl who blew a blood clot out of my leg with CBD oil and pomegranate juice on top of my daily coumadin–if there was a way to do it…though I’ll say yet, they would have done it.
One benefit I see in this happening on a mass scale is the people who needed to learn cooperation and empathy the most–those who refused to vaccinate themselves to go along with the crowd and told people to get over their mask aversions–will then have the script flipped on them and be the people begging the rest of us for understanding for their suffering–when clearly this was just a lesson in getting karmically bitch-slapped over getting rewarded at all for being contrary, not cooperative, and then asking science for solutions when they didn’t trust science not to get sick in the first place. There’s potential for us to come out better for this ultimately, provided we don’t descend into dictatorship first. I keep telling people fighting with a bunch of oxygen tanks is going to be pretty pathetic. But you all need to get off your capitalism is the best train because there are social democracies that do work much better than our government, but aren’t run by greedy lobbyists allowing rich people to buy all favor, so not the glitzy American dream you all love. But anyways, once again a reminder for everyone–COVID is the co-morbidity or pre-existing condition we get to reason people out of existence later with. Be careful what you say–you sometimes get that lesson in a cruel way.
Science will have solutions, too–there are people of course who see the writing on the wall, this is not just me floating alone out here screaming people need to protect their health--some have tried their best of course, but there will be solutions. The solutions of course working best on people who’ve graduated to the end of their education in training for virus-fighting and identification through vaccination–increasingly watered down in efficacy depending on how little training you’ve had before letting the virus go hog wild. For some, they might never feel the same again, for most of us affected with serious illness, to have spurts of time not highly aware of your own mortality can be rare–but they can be found–it is a decision every day I make to have a good day and not let life fuck me up too much, and hope everything leaves me better. I have a big list of articles I will share from the past few for the next time–I also have a bookmark list that is huge and gigantic I will make as a subset of other menus that would explain to you my curiosity and cautiousness with this mean little virus. But, yes, rejoice this will be a huge enough % of the population that will get this that their will be money sent in from private and public investments to solve these newly created problems and illnesses for us. I am predicting COVID wellness will be the next hot market investment until the end of the decade.