I have been well-hidden as of late, prancing around Twitter on an unrelated profile, seeing that I was more than right about it all. I have so many articles I have bookmarked as reference material, it is almost redundant to post it, but it does seem that many many people are severely unaware still of how fucked up this world is going to get because of humanity’s utter laziness & incapacity to understand the value of cooperation when faced with challenges. All this going it alone is going to end up with a lot lot of people alone, sick and dying completely abandoned ALONE at home.
People don’t SEE themselves getting abandoned or doing the abandoning, but when you have a life to live, those who remind you of your own mortality can often be skipped over. After 28 years of almost solid sickness or at least a definite acknowledgement of my own mortality, I am not one anyone pays attention to to any great degree. They have forgotten, or maybe they NEED to forget, but that is neither here nor there. Many of you will understand a little too intimately what I am inferring with some experience which will be blanketing many of you in the coming years.
We still are COVID-free, but this is not accidental. This requires a level of discipline and intention it appears most of humanity seems reticent to embrace at all. Which is interesting because nobody would ever have decribed me as particularly disciplined, though I have learned how to adapt to survive in a world completely unaware of me in it most of the time, and certainly never rolling out any red carpet to greet me with ease of anything. Masks, always indoors. In crowds, outside, yes absolutely though I haven’t a lot of plans for that. Medical grade air filter in my home & dentist, she’s good. The rest I expect do not GAF about anyone but their own feelings of normalcy though it seems more than clear to me that our days of “normal” are over and the quicker we learn to adapt without throwing full on tantrums, the better. I know, it’s so much easier to throw a fucking tantrum than it is to acknowledge the world is irrepairably changed by all of us, but that is lazy thinking that does nothing at all to solve ANY problems.
For a problem solver, the people always fucking bitching and moaning without providing solutions are the worst people to be around. Sure, shit is fucked up, now what do you want to do about it?
Do you want to sit in perpetual THIS IS FUCKED UP-EDNESS or do you want to fucking TRY ANYTHING??!!?
Yeah, I know, some of you don’t understand compromise, cooperation, the closest you get to that is imagining it for other people and you fucking REFUSE to see that we all depend on each other. Everything you do affects someone else so this whole notion of you do you is a false one. It has left the country fully sickened with something most of you fucking CHOSE not acknowledging again….
Most of you are going to be real fucking sorry you gave your number one greatest asset, your good health away. But there are no backsies here. There is sickness, debt and misery.
All because you fuckers could not wear fucking masks. SO WEAK. Anyhow–I will be emptying out my various laptops with different favorite menus here over the next few days. It turns out my body is still trying to kill me so I have limited time to make any impact. Come back for more later…..I have reference articles up the wazoo.