Getting naked & dropping out of the marathon in the last lap bc the uniform is too annoying: COVID is still here

I read an article the other day imploring people who were wrong about COVID to apologize, to I guess satiate some people’s anger and dismay, ultimately resulting in a pretty empty gesture that has no ultimate value you can really measure. Clearly the apology could be implied by changes of stance, but I still assert if everyone had been listening to my comments on this causing early onset Alzheimer’s (basically shrinking your brain is what COVID is doing), diabetes and everything else two years ago now that we might all be in a better place.

I do not believe the powers that be are so ignorant of these factors either–any basic bit of research would have shown that this was version 2 of SARS which we already knew all the same shit happened in version 1. So why would anyone assume version 2 was a nicer virus that wouldn’t do at least what we knew version 1 did. I didn’t, actually. Because I know how to use my brain even though I am not a fucking doctor, again. I think there are people in both parties who have done the basic research I have even done and are highly aware of the issues at hand. Like I said, anyone who did a very basic amount of research about how SARS was presenting years later would have been able to correctly deduce, as I did, that version 2 would be not a fluffy bunny compared to version 1, but a real snake of a virus which is actually appearing to take things to a new level.

Let’s share the articles over the past few days that have inspired me to basically give up on most of the country. There’s a tiny %, sure that is here to protect everyone, knowing this virus is out there and can be caught twice, is killing people, shrinking brains, will now be expected to cause a wave of heart attacks and strokes that will not be counted as COVID, causes ED, damages sperm, is hurting pregnant women-I mean, really America? Are you so numbed to the reality that we are still losing hundreds a day, tens of thousands are still testing positive at least officially with another 2-3 times that testing positive at home?

Are you fucking stupid?

I think you’re numb, and people have had some pretty comfy lives so aren’t used to having to make adjustments and changes to the way they do things for anyone’s benefit but their own. There’s going to be a % greater than 2% of people who will be asymptomatic but still experience some of the long-term horror of what this will do to a lot of America’s bodies in the future. Common sense would encourage prevention over reaction later because there is that old adage, once again: better safe than sorry. We have been safe enough and I go wherever I want, but we have been safe enough that I have never even had to entertain feeling sorry for a minute. I feel like my attitude has allowed that to happen, but I also have had to make many adjustments to my own expectations of life so being inconvenienced to save my community from grief is something I practice in everything, from mask-wearing to driving–I’ll never cut across lanes of traffic if I miss my turn, I’ll never drive with my cell phone in my hand, I let people chill at the checkout lane. I am a community-minded cooperative member of society. And some of you have never learned that. What a great example we could set for the next generation, sure to experience issues with being cooperative to share resources we know will not be as plentiful as they are now.

Oh, btw, I know you’ve all noticed, but my appeal I guess is still being considered on Twitter, but I really believe commenting on the actions of a group was not threatening at all.

Can Covid make your brain shrink?

European countries now battling Covid BA.2 variant lifted restrictions too ‘brutally,’ WHO warns (by brutally, they mean brutally early)

COVID may bring ‘a tsunami of heart attacks in the future,’ cardiologist predicts

Post COVID psychosis is real. Here’s what to know about it.

Preclinical demonstration of a potent, universal coronavirus monoclonal antibody therapy for all COVID-19 variants

Scientists Confirm New US COVID Variant With Hybrid Delta-Omicron Spike Protein

Masks back up at UCSD Health as COVID-19 signals surge in San Diego wastewater 

So the moral of the story is after reading those articles above? Well. I’ll tell you–they’re trying to work on some therapies, sure, there’s a touch of good news in there, but remember, if you never get it, then you don’t have to care about the newest and most expensive therapy you may or may not be able to afford to get.

Also, a reminder.
GET THE AIR FILTERS AMERICA. You don’t even need to get mine, but if you did, great for you and me, the community and your health. CORONABALONA15 for your $15 off your order.