Coronavirus infection can last long past its original incarnation-there has been some information that respiratory coronaviruses can create circumstances in your body that last beyond the original infection. This particular coronavirus is showing some evidence of being an endothelial disease beyond a respiratory virus, which might have some long-term consequences for the infected. Keep in mind it is a pre-existing condition, and having one of those will affect everything from your need for permanent healthcare to being able to buy life insurance. I will post more on how fun that life has been later.

The endothelium is a thin membrane that lines the inside of the heart and blood vessels. Endothelial cells release substances that control vascular relaxation and contraction as well as enzymes that control blood clotting, immune function and platelet (a colorless substance in the blood) adhesion.

Clearly those systems described some of the large issues with blood clots & the heart damage some are suffering during infection & even months after reported infection.

Other complications later include:

Erectile Dysfunction:

it can shrink your penis

Kidney Failure

30% kidney failure one or both



Stroke/Blood Clots

Increased Risk

Early Onset Dementia/other neurological conditions
So this was found to be an issue even with SARS original-so I assumed it might happen with this, but it’s shown to be especially nefarious attacking so many systems that it would be a literal miracle if people who get it don’t develop something worse later on. For some I’ve heard it’s been a few months, some you’d expect might be years, but ultimately this is a fucking horrendous thing to have exposure to without any training at all. Boosted people being 97 times less likely to die of COVID than the unvaccinated and certainly more than just the double-boosted.

COVID Brain Changes Show Parallels with Alzheimers 2/4/2022
Alzheimer’s like Signaling in COVID brains 2/3/2022
Early Alzheimers


Rheumatoid Arthritis ouch

Eye or possible ocular issues

4 Ways COVID leaves its mark
Possible Permanent Damage


Peripheral Neuropathy as a Result of COVID-19